Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Normal Social Behavior

So, sometimes I wounder if I have a look about me that makes people think I like to talk to random strangers (which I hate by the way). I am at work. I was just in the copy room making bagoodles of copies for the rest of my team who are out in Arizona right now. A guy I have never seen before walks into the copy room and we have the following conversation:

Guy: Fee Fi Fo Fum you are still on the copier!

Me: Yeah this is my last one.

Guy: You having fun?

Me: Uhhh, yeah. (Seriously dude, how fun can making copies be?)

Guy: What if someone just walked in here and sliced their finger off on this (referring to the big paper cutting contraption in the room)?

Me: .....(I had no clue what to say so I just stared at the copy machine)

Guy: When I was in jr. high some guy wanted to see if the stapler would staple through his finger so he put it under the stapler and pushed it down and it did!!!

Me: I am all finished here.

This guy was seriously messing with the boundaries of acceptable social behavior.


  1. Hahahaha! I'm cracking up...I don't know what I would've said either...So funny! How old was Mr. Fee Fi Fo Fum? Oh.. and I love the label: "Wierdos"

  2. my favorite: "I am all finished here". It's like a modern day "welp, see ya later!"

    love it.

  3. Back up- did this guy seriously start the conversation with Fee Fi Fo Fum???


  4. So many socially awkward people in this industry!

    There was a girl who used to work with our group and one day a couple of us asked her if she'd like to go to lunch with us. She goes "Uhh who's going?" So we were like "the four of us..." Her response? "Hmm. I'll stay here."

    God bless accountants.
