Monday, June 4, 2012

Fun with Fiber

Today we are going to talk about poo, brace yourself.

Since about the beginning of my second trimester I noticed that I was not near as "regular" as I was before I got pregnant. I was only going to the bathroom once every few days which is so unlike me. My lack of bathroom action wasn't making me feel yucky or anything but I knew it wasn't normal for me. I did some research and bathroom issues are totally normal for pregnant people. Then, when I was 27 weeks along, the doctor said I was slightly anemic and needed to start taking an iron pill everyday. I did more research and extra iron makes it even harder for you to go to the bathroom! I took action immediately!

The first thing I tried was drinking prune juice. I like juice and for some reason I thought prune juice would taste like grape juice but it didn't. It was soooo gross. I had to throw it away.

The next thing I tried was having a green smoothie for breakfast. There are so many great recipes for green smoothies out there. I normally do ice, a little milk, a whole banana, a handful of spinach, some frozen fruit (I like mango and pineapple) and a little agave nectar to sweeten it up. I figured getting spinach in first thing in the morning would give me fiber and iron. I was right! The green smoothie started working for me on day one.

I eat the same thing for breakfast for about 2 weeks straight before I get tired of it so once I got tired of the smoothies I started eating Raisin Bran Crunch for breakfast. This morning I was over the Raisin Bran so I started eating Eggo Waffles Fiber Plus, yummy.

In addition to making sure I have fiber in my breakfast I also eat a fiber bar as a snack once a day. I have tried a few different brands and flavors, all of which have surprisingly been really good, but my favorite is the Kellogg's Coconut Fudge. So yummy!

I am happy to report that my problem was fixed from day one of adding in a little fiber in my breakfast and a delicious fiber bar for a snack and I don't have to eat or drink anything that tastes disgusting. Yay for fiber!

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