Today we started the process of moving out of our house. Well, the process didn't really start today. I have been de-cluttering, organizing, cleaning, and re-organizing what Lily pulls out for what seems like forever! But today, the movers came and started to actually pack up our stuff and take it away.
They took our air shipment today, tomorrow it is our sea shipment and Thursday they will take what goes to storage and will leave us with an empty house.
The movers took Lily's high chair so we had to have a picnic on the kitchen floor for dinner. We were super fancy and had a banana, string cheese and a hot pocket. Lily was really into that hot pocket.
It feels really strange to be living in a half empty house. It kind of feels like this isn't really even our home since there are no pictures on the walls, the dogs aren't here, the bedrooms and closets are empty and we don't have our Christmas decorations up. Maybe that will make it a little easier for me to drive away from the house that we have loved for the past 4 years in a couple of days.
Until then, I have a toddler tornado to try and keep out of the way of the movers. Wish me luck!
This made me so sad... I know you guys are in for a great adventure, but that first step of driving away from your home that you've made for your little family just feels like it will be the hardest. Luckily, home is where your heart is and that's with your two favorite people. I love you Princess! And Little Princess too!