Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saving Sunday

Today was not the relaxing Sunday I was hoping for. Lily was a ticking time bomb today and things went down hill fast right after breakfast. She whined, cried, pouted, and threw herself on the floor the majority of the morning.

Nap time FINALLY came, but instead of her normal 3 hour nap she only slept for 1.5 hours and woke up crying, of course. I felt especially bad about Lily's grumpy mood today because it was Danny's only day off of work this week and I know he would have rather hung out with a happy baby.

We had to salvage our day somehow, so we loaded up the stroller to head to the beach and had the best time! Lily was a little angel and had a blast rolling around in the sand and trying to cover me with as much sand as her little hands could hold. The camels were out at the beach so Lily got to sit on one and pet it for a while which totally made her day. We spent almost 2 hours just sitting at the beach watching Lily play and it was so calm and peaceful. Just what we needed after the not so peaceful morning we had.

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I am so glad we have these fun pictures of our day to look back on. I know in a couple of months when I look at them I won't remember the rough morning that led up to pictures. I will just remember Lily's
sandy little face and how happy we all were spending the afternoon at the beach.

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