I turned 27 last Thursday. 27 is kind of a scary bday. It officially marks the entrance into my late 20's which means I am that much closer to being 30 which I am totally not ready for. Scary bday or not, I love celebrating!
2 weeks ago we had the 3rd annual birthday crawfish boil for Jon and I where I ate half my body weight in crawfish. So yummy!
On Wednesday (day before my bday) the girls at work took me out to lunch at one of our fave places, Hibachi.
Thursday, Danny picked me up for lunch and we headed to Torchy's Tacos.
I normally take a Pure Barre class on Thursdays after work and I didn't want to mess with my routine so I decided I would take Pure Barre on my bday and Danny and I could go out for dinner on Saturday night to celebrate.
Friday night we had friends over for a pizza bar/game night party. This was not part of the bday celebrations but was such a great time! We had all sorts of pizza toppings and everyone brought their own pizza dough and meat topping and we made pizzas together. After we finished eating, chatting and watching the Ranger game we got down to business. We played Taboo, the dice game Left Right and Center, and the movie charade game. We had so much
fun! Game night is definitely something we need to do more often.
Actions Shot!

Tired Maggie

Tired Ollie

Saturday was one of the greatest days in the history of days. We slept in, I went to Pure Barre, we laid out in the pool while we watched the Ranger game, we took an almost three hour nap and then we headed out to dinner at Bolsa.
We had some cocktails and wine and then had a yummy dinner which included a bruschetta sampler for an appetizer followed by mussels for me and pork belly for Danny. It was so yummy and I had such a great time just sitting at talking with my hubby. It was the perfect end to a great day!

So, even though I was not looking forward to turning 27, I had such a great time hanging out with all the people I love most!!! I am sure this year will be great!
LOVE IT! sounds like everything was awesome-you deserve it!!