How Far Along? 39 weeks…only 1 week to go (7 days). Woohoo!!!!
Size of Baby? Baby is the size of a watermelon and now weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long. I for sure feel like I am carrying a watermelon in there!
Maternity Clothes? Still just using the few maternity items I have. Almost all tops and dresses are still my pre preggo stuff. Tomorrow is my last day of work so I won't have to worry about wearing office appropriate clothes anymore. It will probably be yoga pants and tank tops from here on out!
Weight Gain? I was up to 21 lbs at my last doctors appointment.
Gender? Girl! Liliana Adele.
Sleep? Sleep is still really good.
Food Cravings? Still just fruit and sweet
What I Miss? Being able to bend over easily, not bumping into things with my belly and being able to get out of bed easily.
Symptoms? This week I am still feeling pressure down low when I go from sitting to standing and getting a little crampy sometimes.The balls of my feet also hurt pretty badly when I first wake up in the morning and start walking around.
Belly Button? Out
Best Moment of the Week? Hmmmm, every day just gets more and more exciting since we are one day closer to meeting Lily! This weekend was pretty fun because we got to see most of our besties (Saturday night at a wedding shower and then Sunday night at a fish fry).
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